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Bocce Ball & Other Life Revelations

Bocce Ball JMJ

On our family vacation a few weeks ago, I watched my dad and husband play several games of bocce ball. I’d never played before, so while I’d usually get in on the action right away, I decided to let them play a few rounds so I could get a better understanding of the game (and enjoy their competitive banter in the meantime).

After a few days of watching those goofs (very lovable goofs that is), I was ready to get in on the action and pretty much dominate because – come on, duh. Little did I know that playing this simple game would teach me a brilliant life lesson that I think we could all use this hump day.

Bocce Ball JMJ

Bocce Ball JMJ

Bocce Ball JMJ

Bocce Ball JMJ

Bocce Ball JMJ

Bocce Ball JMJ

Bocce Ball JMJ


Let me break down the game of bocce ball for you in case, like me, you actually have no idea what it is.

Two sets of four heavy-ish balls, each set their own color (in our case red and blue). One small white ball – the target.

Whoever starts the game tosses the white ball ahead of you to set the target of where you are throwing your set of balls (or at least trying to). Then that player starts the game giving the first toss of their ball, trying to land as close as possible to the target (white ball). Then you alternate throws until you’ve each thrown your set.

Whoever is closest to the target wins the points, one point for each ball that is closer to the target than the opponent’s.  You play until 12. It gets heated.



Seems pretty simple right? Get to as close to the target as possible and you win. Doesn’t have to be on target, just close enough.

Just close enough, huh? NOT perfect? And I still get the points? Do you see where I’m going yet?

I’m a perfectionist. And OCCASSIONALLY I do get pretty darn close to perfection (have you checked out my minestrone recipe yet or what?!) but MOST of the time, I don’t. At all. And it pains my soul. Torments me.

I’m always trying to get exactly on target with nearly EVERYTHING I do in life; working out, eating right, managing the household, projects at work, being a great wife/sister/daughter/friend/insert other role here. I never give myself a break, and when I’m not SPOT ON with something, I feel really awful about it.

But the older I get and the more life I live, and bocce ball games I play, I’m working on changing that. I’m started to see that sometimes just getting close enough is still a win that should be celebrated. Still gets you the next point. It doesn’t always have to be perfect…… and in bocce ball AND in life it hardly ever is.

So today on this hump day as you battle with all the things you “have to do” and the perfectionism with which you have to do them, I challenge you to just get close enough and to not just be content with it, BE EXCITED! CELEBRATE IT! YOU STILL GET THE POINT!

I mean after all, we ‘re all just tossing balls in the air hoping one will land in the right spot one day, right?






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  • Reply Elizabeth 06/26/2017 at 11:15 PM

    I love bocce ball!! We grew up playing it in the backyard all the time! It is so fun!

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