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workout crop tops
Fashion Fitness Style Wellness

5 Workout Crop Tops

Alright I’m probably getting ahead of myself (it’s only day 3 of my 30 day challenge after all), but I am DREAMING of the day I feel comfortable enough to wear cute workout gear again. Specifically in the form of crop tops. Anyone feel…

30 for 30 JMJ
Fitness Wellness

30 Days 30 Minutes

April 1st. On a Monday. A month with 30 days. So, in my mind, the perfect opportunity to commit to something new. So let’s do it. 30 days, 30 minutes a day of movement. Who’s in?!…

Partner Workout JMJ
Fitness Wellness

Partner Workout

A few Valentine’s Days ago, I decided to surprise my then boyfriend, now husband, with an early morning partner workout session as a way to kick off a romantic Valentine’s Day. One of the cutest trainers I know, Julie Booher, showed up to kick…

30 for 30 JMJ
Fitness Wellness

Monday Motivation: Arms & Abs

I know, Monday’s can be the worst. So I’m here today to bring a little Monday Motivation and extra encouragement for you to kick today’s ass (sorry I really couldn’t substitute – it’s Monday), and start your week off right. How do we do…

Father's Day Gift Guide JMJ
Fashion Fitness Style Wellness

Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Guide

Gawd, how do these parental holidays keep sneaking up on us?! Here I am, trying to enjoy my summer and shit. I forgot about Father’s day. Is this you? Ok, ok. Let’s not admit you forgot it, again. Let’s just say you STILL hadn’t…

Mental Health Tips JMJ
Fitness Wellness

Tips for Maintaining a Better Mental Health

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month (before I told you on Instagram)? As someone who’s passion for this blog is built upon taking ya’ll on my “never-ending pursuit of health and happiness” it felt irresponsible to not talk about mental…
