Food Wellness

The Fab 4 & BodyLove

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ

When I listened to the Skinny Confidential Podcast over a month ago and learned about Kelly Leveque, I was hooked. I listened to it once in the morning and then once again in the afternoon because the podcast was THAT loaded with information that broke down eating, how your body works and how wrong we are all doing it. I’m a sucker for anything about nutrition, so when I learned that she had a book, BodyLove, coming out that shared more of her secrets and breakdown of how to eat well and own your health I pre-purchased it immediately.

I read it over two days and since then, it’s completely changed the way I think about food, eat and even feel. Though I can’t share all that I learned because 1) I think you should buy the book and read it & 2) aint nobody got time for that, I am going to break down my top lessons learned including what the Fab 4 is AND give ya’ll the recipe to the smoothie that has been rocking my world for the last 4 weeks.

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ

Fab4 & BodyLove JMJ


The Fab4. The big secret. The combination to health, weightloss, and finally knowing how and what to eat (and it being REALLY easy and YUM). The Fab4 is how Kelly fondly refers to the 4 foods she recommends to have for every meal that will round out your nutrition, quiet your hunger hormones, and help your body do exactly what it’s supposed to with food (and nothing else). The Fab4 is protein, healthy fats, fiber and greens. If you have these 4 things in the right portions for every meal you are on your way to stop snacking, losing weight, and balancing out your body so it operates at it’s greatest potential.


Throughout the BodyLove book Kelly talks about the impacts of sugar to our bodies and how it’s hidden in most of the things we consume. Her entire approach to maintaining your health is centered upon maintaining a balanced blood sugar level which balances moods, your body’s ability to digest food as it’s intended and a wealth of other things (sorry I don’t want to spoil too much). In a lot of the “healthy” diets and foods we like to eat there is a ton of sugar we are consuming, spiking our blood sugar and causing a number of problems. So having fruit for breakfast to lose weight? Actually working against you. That fruit filled smoothie you have as a meal replacement for lunch? Again, not such a great idea. That lite beer? Turns into sugar after consumed. Like I said, it’s everywhere and the better you are at recognizing it, the better you will be at avoiding it and the side effects. And please don’t take this as me saying you can never eat fruit again or have a beer, it’s all about balance but I certainly think we all had the wrong idea about the healthy serving of fruit.


The testimonies in Kelly’s book absolutely blow my mind. She is a health coach and nutritionist and works with a variety of people a number of which suffer from health related issues at the beginning of their journey with her. From diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain, reproductive issues and more, Kelly has helped people who thought they’d never be off medication or feel good get an entirely new chance with their health and the tools they need to manage it forever. The saddest part? The formula is simple really – eat real food the right way, and your body can do amazing things all on its own. Still don’t believe me? Hop on over to my gal pal Elizabeth’s blog to read her amazing story about going from needing emergency back surgery to stop chronic pain that kept her from moving to living a pain free life.


Over the years I’ve tried a lot of diets and ways to stay “healthy” and lose weight. Juice cleanses, restricting foods and portions, eating salads that I hated and wanted pizza immediately after. I knew this was no way to live and definitely not a sustainable way to eat but I didn’t know a better way or think I had options if I wanted to be “healthy”. After four weeks of adjusting a few things in what was an already healthy diet (and by diet I mean way of eating NOT restrictive eating) I have never felt more full and satisfied with the foods I eat, and ya’ll it has been SO yum. So if you’re going hungry to be healthy, I’m sorry I’m not sorry because you’re doing it wrong. The Fab4 way of eating keeps you fuller longer, allows you to eat some really yummy foods together and balances your body and moods like nothing I’ve ever seen. (Not an infomercial ya’ll just REALLY love and believe in this book’s teachings).


The book also has a ton of recipes to make you understand how to put her principles into practice, including a ton of smoothies (most without ANY fruit – mindblown) one of which I have had nearly every day for the past 4 weeks. I’m obsessed. And I’m sharing it with you.




  • 1 scoop collagen powder ( I use this one)
  • 1-2 scoops chocolate protein powder (I use this one)
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1-2 tbsp almond butter (I get no salt unsweetened)
  • 1 tbsp MCT Oil
  • Handful of spinach and/or microgreens (sometimes I add both when I’m feeling crazy)
  • 1-2 cups almond milk (I get unsweetened)
  • Ice


  1. Put all ingredients except for ice into a blender or nutribullet and blend until…..blended.
  2. Add in ice to your liking and blend again and then let it change yo life.


Did you buy the book yet? Do you feel a little differently about food?





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  • Reply Bri 07/26/2017 at 12:37 PM

    Great post! I’m also obsessed with the book and have loved incorporating these tips into my daily life.

    • Reply Jess Scott 07/26/2017 at 6:20 PM

      Thanks girl! Yes it has totally changed my life day to day and I couldn’t be happier. Glad you are on board as well!

  • Reply Veronica Hugo 07/26/2017 at 2:05 PM

    Love the book….love the smoothies…feel full and energetic!!! Stopped counting calories just make sure to hit the fab4 at each meal and feel full longer. It’s a sustainable way to eat! Love your blog!😘

    • Reply Jess Scott 07/26/2017 at 6:21 PM

      You are one of my favorite readers! So thankful for your support 😉

  • Reply Elizabeth Harrington 07/27/2017 at 2:53 PM

    Absolutely loved reading this girl! I (obviously) totally agree with this!! And thanks for the sweet shoutout!:)

    • Reply Jess Scott 07/28/2017 at 11:21 AM

      Thanks love! Happy to know a girl as cool as you to feature!!

  • Reply Haley 08/23/2017 at 5:33 PM

    Love this shake recipe! I’ve been drinking it everyday for the past few weeks and I am OBSESSED! Do you know around how many calories are in the shake? Just curious!! Thanks girl, Love your blog!

    • Reply Jess Scott 08/27/2017 at 9:51 AM

      Hi Haley! So glad you like this recipe, I am so addicted to it at this point. Though I’m not certain I would imagine per the ingredients above the shake would average around 450-500 calories. That’s a good range for a meal and considering they are all the right types of calories, I wouldn’t focus on that too much. Hope that is helpful and thank you for your kind words and support. Love having you as a reader!

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